When Leviticus uses the phrase sins unintentionally, it might be better rendered as wanders away into sin, or does wrong. The real difference between the sin offering and the guilt offering was that the sin offering was for more general sins, while the guilt offering included restitution for harming or injuring another person.
Whether between persons, or between humanity and God, these laws are for maintaining relationship and restoring that relationship once it has been broken.
Here's the proof in the pudding that God calls sin what it is whether the person was intentional about it or not - *however*, we need to note that once they were made aware of their action (or inaction, such as the not testifying when they should) as being wrong, the reaction was not "O NOZ! Stone the sinner!" but rather repentance and restitution. People mess up. God knows they will, and that's why even then He provided them with some means to deal with it. - Amy