Thursday, January 1, 2009

Addendum to the Earlier Rule

A few days ago, in my post How Do I Do This? I offered some steps to a more fulfilling Bible reading experience. Those steps can basically be boiled down to this:

Pick a Time and Place
Pray Again
Let It Soak In

If you want to read the full post, you can find it here.

I goofed! I left out something really important. Without the final step, there's really no good reason to even get started.

So after you've gotten settled into your time and place, after you've prayed for illumination, after you've read the day's text, after you've prayed again for God to help you get it, and after you've let it soak in real good, do what it says.

If you don't put it into practice... then you're never going to get it.

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