Whenever I read this passage, I have to admit, the thought comes to me: God is so strict. I mean, being excommunicated for what basically amounts to not washing your hands?
But maybe the attitude problem isn't God's. Maybe it's mine. Could it be that I don't take seriously enough God's holiness and his desire for me to reflect that holiness?
Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. (Hebrews 12:10)
It *does* seem terribly complicated and strict - to me it reminds me of how very, very 'spoiled' we are, what an amazing freedom we have in Christ's sacrifice. I absolutely boggle at the number of rules and regs they had to track, even if each is meaningful.
ReplyDeleteAlso interesting how the intent of the heart behind the offering makes the use of the offering differ - i.e. the ones who give from thankfulness have their goodies eaten on the same day, the ones who give from obligation or because they promised they would have goodies that can be eaten as leftovers the next day. I can't say I comprehend the "why" but the distinction is a reminder, again, that what we are inside matters SO much more than the outward action, even in ceremonial actions. - Amy