Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7: Genesis 19, 20 and 21

Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains (Genesis 19:30).

When Lot and his family were rushed out of Sodom, the angels told them to run for the mountains: Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away! (v. 17).

Instantly Lot started backpedaling. “Yeah, about that. I’m not overly fond of the mountains, you know – vertigo and all that – dry skin. Couldn’t Witness Protection set us up in a nice little villa somewhere in the valley? …like Zoar?”

Why did Lot resist the angels’ counsel to head for the mountains? Did he have ulterior motives? It seems he left Sodom begrudgingly, and didn’t want to relocate any further away than absolutely necessary. Maybe he underestimated the coming destruction, or was he living in denial? As an objective observer, I think he was holding on to something.

Then the sun came up (v. 23) and Lot shuddered to look at the devastation happening all around him. A tenuous oasis centered in a desert of destruction, suddenly Zoar didn’t look like the vacation getaway it seemed before the sky started raining fire.

And sometime in there Lot’s wife looked back. Was she making sure she and her family were safe? Or was it a look filled with resentment for the life she’d left behind? It was her undoing.

“Hey, those mountains don’t sound so bad after all.”


Can you acknowledge that God really does know best? Reflect on some examples from your life.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that all of us understand that God knows best and more than we ever will that is why we have faith in Him to bring us thru our trials and tribulations. We as Christians have been taught that God knows all and that means that He has all knowledge which gives Him an advantage in making better decisions than we ever could. One personal example is that I was offered a job at a church and because it was a job that I wanted I jumped at the opportunity without asking for advice for others or even praying about the move. Later my family and I were not happy with the decisions and I should have never gone there because it also caused problems with the family life. If I had prayed and asked God for wisdom and peace about this He would have either given me the peace or He would have withheld it from me either way God’s wisdom is much more than I will ever attain.
