Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 68: Joshua 19 - 21

Not one of all the Lord's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. (Joshua 21:45)

What a testimony! And yet, could we claim any different?

Usually if I think God isn't coming through, it's because I've gotten impatient. If God doesn't do what I think he should do when I think he should do it, that doesn't mean he isn't working. It usually means I'm willing to settle for less than God's best.

Another reason I might think I've come up short with God is that sometimes I put words in his mouth. Let's face it; God didn't promise me a Jaguar XKE (although I think we all know how great I'd look driving one down the street). It's amazing as time goes by how more and more frills in life get labeled as necessities.
And other times it's because I don't recognize God's hand of mercy. Sometimes God shows his mercy by saying, "No." I'd probably get all sorts of speeding tickets in that Jaguar, although they do look really cool cruising along nice and slow - not that I've thought about it all that much.
When's the last time you looked back and were gently surprised at God's faithfulness? Tell us about it.

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