Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 60: Deuteronomy 28 - 30

Love the Lord your God, ...walk in his ways, and . . . keep his commands, decrees and laws. (Deuteronomy 30:16)

Chapter 30 is where the Deuteronomic Covenant comes to a head. The rewards for compliance and the consequences for disobedience have been spelled out, and Moses asks for a decision. Choose life.

The sequence in which verse 16 is ordered is not coincidental. Legalism begins with grunting up the strength to keep a list of rules (commands, decrees and laws), thinking this is how we walk in God's ways, and that somehow through this we'll learn to love him. Holiness, on the other hand, begins with a heartfelt love for God, which can only be satisfied by walking with him, and in walking with him, keeping his commands, decrees and laws comes naturally.
So what sounds better: struggling to follow a list of rules and see where that leads? Or falling in love with God and seeing where that takes you?


  1. Everything we do for our Lord should be motivated by love.

    Sometimes I lead our students in singing a praise song called, "I'll Do My Best." For whatever reason, our online song database subtly alters the order of the lyrics from how I remember singing that song as a teenager. I may have remembered the words incorrectly, but nevertheless I had Kathy rearrange the lyrics as I would prefer to sing that song.

    Specifically, I switched the words "pleasure" and "forever" so the lyrics now read, "Serve, I'll serve, I'll serve you Lord forever. Serve, I'll serve, I'll serve you Lord with pleasure."

    By ending the verse with this sentiment, I felt that we are now clarifying and emphasizing the "forever" pleasure that comes from serving the Lord. Regardless of which lyrical order is actually superior, I like that that song expresses not only an unending commitment to living God's way, but also the heart of love that inspires this obedience.

  2. When I started off on this one I just wanted to stay in the first part and wallow in all those blessings - wow...! But then there's the 'Rest of the Story' as Paul Harvey (rest in peace) would've said.

    Nice bit of encouragement after all the see-saw of blessings and cursings -

    "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach."
