Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 195: Proverbs 10, 11 and 12

He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed (NIV 1984, Proverbs 11:25).

As a pastor I’ve preached many funeral services. Thankfully, most of those I’ve spoken for lived their lives in such a way that it was easy to say good things about them. Unfortunately, a few – by their actions – gave the impression they didn’t care what anyone thought or said. What do we want others to say about us after we’re gone?

It can be an enlightening exercise to write one’s own obituary. My imagined write-up goes something like this: Tim was a fully devoted follower of Christ; a loving husband and the best father a man could be; and a committed and effective pastor. What about yours? But don’t stop with your pen or word processor. The trick is to then live a life that makes that self-written obituary fitting and true.

The writers of Proverbs assert that what goes around comes around. Whether it’s generosity or greed, kindness or malice, the things we do have a way of coming back, either to benefit us or to haunt us.

Although Jesus was talking about being judgmental when he said, With the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Matthew 7:2), it certainly seems like there are plenty of other behaviors to which that would also apply. Wow! It’s my choice!

With the measure I use, it will be measured to me. I get to choose. Just a few verses earlier, Proverb 11:17 reads: Those who are kind benefit themselves.

Every life writes its own obituary. What’s your life writing?

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