Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 183: Psalm 113, 114, 115 and 116

Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him (Psalm 115:3).

This is one of my favorite psalms. My paraphrase: Our God is in heaven and he does whatever he wants. How cool is that!?

When we speak of God’s omnipotence, we sometimes get hung up on silly arguments: Can God create a rock so heavy he cannot lift it? Can God create a square circle? These are examples of nonsensical illogical debates that serve no purpose. The first is a Catch 22 kind of argument. If he can’t create such a rock, then he’s not omnipotent. And if he can create such a rock, but can’t lift it, then he’s not omnipotent. The second question involves a “logical self-contradiction” [3].

In The Problem of Pain, C. S. Lewis takes things even further. Alister McGrath cites Lewis as asserting that “God cannot do anything that is inconsistent with the divine nature” [4].

I’m so thankful that God can do what God wants to do, and what God wants to do is look on me with favor (Luke 2:14). I’m thankful that what God wants is to give me an abundant life (John 10:10). I’m thankful that God wants to have my back when I take a risk for him (2 Chronicles 16:9). I’m thankful that God wants to make me whole in spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). I’m so thankful that what God wants is to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

What is there that God cannot do to fulfill his purpose in your life?

What are you believing God for?

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