Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 175: Psalm 81, 82, 83 and 84

I removed the burden from their shoulders; their hands were set free from the basket . . . But my people would not listen to me (Psalm 81:6,11).

This is a sad psalm where the writer voices the sentiments of Yahweh. These few verses thumbnail the entire Israeli experience: slavery, exodus, wilderness, choice, failure, consequence. In the days before their river crossing into Canaan, Moses gave his farewell address, admonishing the people to choose wisely. Their choice could be summarized as: Choose Yahweh or choose the gods of Canaan.

On the game show Let’s Make a Deal (NBC/ABC 1963-1976 – not to mention its current incarnation on CBS with Wayne Brady), host Monty Hall tempted contestants to trade the prize in their hands for an unknown prize behind Door #3. Once they made their deal, the door was opened and the result of their choice was displayed for all to see.

Likewise, time after time the Israelites rejected the prize they had (Yahweh), trying to trade up by choosing Door #3 (foreign gods).

Although they made a big show of affirming their fidelity to Yahweh, in reality, at almost every turn they went the wrong way and followed false gods. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts (v. 12). In other words: You get to choose, but you have to live with the consequences.

Have you ever been warned about the consequences of making a wrong choice, and made the wrong choice anyway? What did you learn?

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