Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 165: Psalm 41, 42, 43 and 44

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak (Psalm 41:1).

Some people are weak, some are strong. Some people are poor while others are wealthy. Some don’t have enough to eat while others enjoy plenty. Some people struggle at math while for others it’s a breeze. Some fall to addictions while others celebrate sobriety. Some people have holes in their clothes and others run out of closet space for clothes they don’t even wear anymore.

The psalmist doesn’t refute the idea that the weak live among us. He doesn’t denigrate those who need help. The focus of this writing is not some sweeping social reform to eradicate poverty or disease. It seems to be a given that for now the weak, as well as the poor, will always be among us. David’s focus is on how we respond to those in need.

Blessed is he who has regard for the weak. Or we could say, It is the moral responsibility of the strong to care for the weak… the “haves” for the “have nots” [6].

I’ve always tried to teach my kids: A real man does not bully (or take advantage of) those weaker than himself; he protects them and treats them with dignity… always. Those with plenty should do more than just say, There but for the grace of God…; they should share. Those for whom things come easy should help those who struggle. The sober should help those who want to be. Do we build bigger closets or clothe the naked?

How would God have you show regard for the weak?

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