Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 78: 1 Samuel 1, 2 and 3

In those days the word of the Lord was rare. (1 Samuel 3:1)
Let's understand the climate into which Samuel was born. We've recently completed Judges, in which the theme was, In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit (Judges 21:25). Consider the harvest that came from those seeds.
Israel was experiencing a spiritual drought. Eli (the High Priest) was a decent sort of fellow, even though his spiritual discernment was weak and his parenting was even weaker. When Hannah was praying at the tabernacle, Eli was so spiritually thick that he mistook the cries of her heart for being drunk and disorderly.
Notice that Hannah is described as barren. In the Bible, this almost always foreshadows that something of significance is about to happen. Joseph, Samson and Samuel all share that distinction of being born of formerly barren mothers.
Also consider the transitional role that Samuel is about to play. He is the last judge and the first prophet of Israel (other than Moses). He will usher in the nation's monarchial period by anointing not only the first, but also the second king who will rule over Israel.
No extra charge: [God] revealed himself to Samuel through his word (1 Samuel 3:21).
Know what I'm saying?
In reading God's Word, what has He revealed about Himself to you?

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