Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 348: 1 Timothy 4, 5 and 6

Everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving. (1 Timothy 4:4)

Certain religious groups have determined that unless Scripture explicitly approves something, then it must be forbidden. The most common example of this involves the use of musical instruments in worship. Because there is no explicit example of instrumental music in New Testament churches, they deny its use as well. They're okay for home but not for church. Other groups, and probably the majority of present day Christians, take the opposite approach. Since there is no explicit prohibition to using instruments in worship, they see no harm enjoying them in church.

Paul is not writing about musical instruments in this passage, but about those who have prohibited marriage and certain foods. Paul says, Wait a minute! The glass is half full, not half empty. Everything God created is good. Enjoy it, and be thankful to God for the happiness it brings.

But Satan can pervert anything. Enjoying tasty food is good; gluttony is bad. Sexual desire is good within the bonds of marriage, but translated into lust and exploitation, it hurts everyone it touches. Making a living and providing for one's family is appropriate; transforming a God-given gift to provide into a miserly appetite to possess more and more while others go without; that's just selfish.

God has made these things clean, so don't call them unholy! (NCV, Acts 10:15)

What are you enjoying for which you need to say, "Thank you"?

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