Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 96: 1 Kings 1, 2 and 3

Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar (1 Kings 3:4).

Upon entering the Promised Land, the tabernacle found a temporary home at Shiloh. There it remained from the time of the judges through Samuel’s childhood. At some point, probably soon after the Battle of Shiloh (1 Samuel 4), the tabernacle was moved to Gibeon. But what’s a tabernacle without the Ark of the Covenant? After the ark was captured by the Philistines, and then returned, it would never again be housed in Moses’ Tabernacle. For years (throughout the reign of Saul and beyond) it was sheltered at the house of Abinadab. When David conquered Jerusalem, he set up a new tent for the ark called Zion, but Moses’ tabernacle remained at Gibeon.

The Zion tabernacle had no altar for burnt offerings so, after Solomon’s coronation, he went to Gibeon, where he offered up a thousand sacrifices. Can you imagine how long it would take to sacrifice a thousand burnt offerings? In return for this act of worship, or more likely because of Solomon’s heart behind the worship, God appeared to him in a dream and offered the new king anything he asked. Solomon could have asked for wealth or power, but asked instead for wisdom. So in addition to wisdom, God promised Solomon all the wealth and power he could have asked for.

Extravagant worship. Extravagant blessing. Could there be a connection?

Now why was it you wanted to keep your worship safe and respectable? Pray for the courage to worship God the way he deserves to be worshiped.

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