Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104: 2 Kings 4, 5 and 6

If the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? (2 Kings 5:13).

During a time of uneasy détente between Aram and Israel, Naaman – one of Aram’s most valued generals – came to the prophet Elisha to obtain healing for his leprosy. Naaman was a proud man, who had earned his position and commanded respect from both his subordinates and his superiors.

When his entourage stopped at Elisha’s house, the prophet didn’t even come out to meet him. He sent word that in order to be healed, Naaman was to wash himself in the Jordan seven times [3]. The general was offended. It would be like expecting to see the doctor and having the receptionist hand us a prescription through the glass: Take two aspirin and call us in the morning.

At the very least a man of Naaman’s standing deserved a face-to-face. He expected Elisha to make a big deal over his visit and summon his very best magic to heal his leprosy. Not only did he want the answer to be harder than Elisha made it out to be, he wanted to play a role in his own healing. “Give me a quest; I’ll do anything. Go wash in the river? Are you serious?”

We’re just the same. Give me step-by-step instructions. I’ll follow any rule to make myself right with God. Naaman needed to learn the same lesson we need to learn: It’s not about proving ourselves worthy. It’s about accepting God’s free gift of grace.

How’s your quest coming to earn God’s favor? Isn’t it time you gave it a rest?

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