Just a few generations after Jehoshaphat king of Judah went to such great lengths to restore good relations with Israel, the two countries were at odds again. Jehoash of Israel was a proven leader with several impressive military victories under his belt. Amaziah of Judah had successfully battled the Edomites.
Amaziah, completely enamored with himself, was itching for another enemy to defeat and turned his gaze to the north. Amaziah's grandfather had been killed by Jehoash's grandfather, and it is almost definite there was still bad blood between the two families. So Amaziah issued a challenge: Come, meet me face to face, to which Jehoash sent his poetic reply: Should a cedar concern itself with a thistle? Stay home; you're asking for trouble.
Here we have the proverbial big fish in a small pond scenario. Amaziah had a limited view of the real world and an elevated opinion of himself. Jehoash's retort was injurious to his pride and he couldn't back down. The ensuing conflict was disastrous for Judah. Amaziah was captured, Judah's army was routed, and the enemy broke through the very gates of Jerusalem. Bad decision on Amaziah's part.
But that apparently wasn't the last mistake Amaziah made, because he survived Jehoash by fifteen years before being assassinated by his own people.
Ever let pride convince you to fight when you should have backed down?
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