In this passage outlining Ezekiel’s call to prophetic
ministry, God teaches the prophet-to-be that he is not accountable for the
people’s response, but he is accountable for the message delivered.
Likewise, the farmer spreads the seed on all kinds of soil,
even though most of it will never reach maturity (Luke 8:5-15).
This is not to say that the prophet cannot increase the
reception factor, or the farmer the richness of the soil. Two of the biggest
factors in how the Word is received are prayer and relationship. If the seed
(the Word) is planted with prayer, and the soil (the heart) is cultivated with
relationship, there is a much greater chance of the message accomplishing that
for which it is designed – changed lives.
Beside all that, we often forget the work of the Holy
Spirit. We apply the Word to needy hearts, but the Spirit has already been
there, preparing the way. The Spirit continues applying that Word in the coming
days after we’ve gone on to something else.
It is my calling to speak prophetically. It is also my duty
and privilege to cover the seed with prayer and cultivate the soil with
relationship. The Holy Spirit is responsible for the changed lives. One day the
proof will be in the harvest.
Are you called to speak
prophetically? Or to heed the prophet’s message? Or both? What needs to change?
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