This is a good lesson for any pastor, elder, deacon, Sunday
School teacher, ministry volunteer, parent, sibling, boss, employee and anyone
else I’ve left out. Part of Aaron’s official high-priestly garb, in addition to
the ephod (similar to a vest), robe, tunic, turban and sash, was a breastpiece.
Attached to the breastpiece were twelve stones, each engraved with the name of
one of the tribes of Israel. On Aaron’s shoulders were two more stones, each
one engraved with the name of six tribes. Here it is referred to as the
breastpiece of decision.
On those days when he might not have felt like fulfilling
his duties before God, he would be reminded by the stones on his chest and
shoulders that in neglecting these things he was not only affecting himself,
but neglecting his responsibilities to God’s people. And when he entered the Holy
Place, the stones would remind him that he was there not only for himself, but
as a representative of thousands.
Maybe we don’t represent thousands when we enter the Holy
Place of God’s presence, but someone needs our prayers. God has surely
placed at least one name on our hearts.
Whose names are written on
your heart when you go before the Lord in prayer? Is God laying someone’s name
on your heart for whom to pray?
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