Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 133: Ezra 4, 5 and 6

Do not interfere with this work on the temple of God. (Ezra 6:7)

When the returning exiles set about their work to rebuild the temple (as was ordered by King Cyrus), they encountered opposition from their neighbors. After Cyrus’s death, those neighbors sent complaints to the new king who ordered work on the temple to stop because of Judah's history as a trouble maker.

Then Haggai and Zechariah (two prophets we'll be hearing from in coming months) encouraged the people of Jerusalem to get back to work. Another complaint was made to the king (still another king by this time) and further investigation uncovered the original documents signed by Cyrus that ordered the people to rebuild the temple, and even guaranteed that the government would cover the construction costs!

At this point, King Darius ordered that the Jews be left alone and that there was to be no more opposition to their building project. Furthermore, if anyone did oppose them, they would be executed and their home turned into a pile of rubble. Needless to say, construction continued without further interference and with the full support of the king. The project was completed, and the people celebrated as their enemies looked on in disbelief.

Doesn't it make a difference to have the support of the King?

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