A newly planted fig tree takes a few years to produce. Jesus told a parable about a farmer who had invested three years in a fig tree without harvesting any figs. He was fed up and decided to dig up the tree and plant something else. His caretaker convinced him to leave the tree for one more year, during which time he would fertilize it and try to salvage the tree. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down (Luke 13:9).
Good things are worth waiting for. I've seen microwave ovens, but as of yet I have never seen a microwave farm. The farmer cultivates the ground, plants the seed, and provides the plants with just the right amount of fertilizer and water. Then he waits. In time, the farmer will enjoy the fruits of his labor... literally.
What good thing would you like to enjoy at the end of the growing season? A succulent apple? A better marriage? A college degree? A financially comfortable retirement? An intimate walk with God? Better plant now.
What would you like to enjoy a few months (or years) down the road?
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