Here we have the prayer of a man struggling with faith. He wants to hold on in trust, but pain and doubt chip away at his confidence, and he wonders if God will ever deliver him. When the heavens appear silent and no relief is in sight, he launches a faith resuscitation effort. I will remember the deeds of the Lord . . . I will meditate on all your mighty works and consider all your mighty deeds (vv. 11,12).
Nothing bolsters faith like rehearsing all the times God came through for us in the past. The writer doesn't limit his recall to events in his own lifetime; he engages his generational memory and takes it back all the way to Israel in Egypt: Your path led through the sea... (v. 19).
When you're struggling with doubt, take a walk down memory lane. Relive the times you saw no way out, yet hung on to find God faithful. Recall stories from your, youth told by parents and grandparents, and other older saints who could also testify to God's mercy and grace. Read the Bible: When I am afraid, I will trust in you (Psalm 56:3).
The same God who has answered prayer since the beginning is answering prayer still.
Recall a time when God came through for you. What do you need today?
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