Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37: Leviticus 22, 23 and 24

Tell Aaron and his sons to treat with respect the sacred offerings the Israelites consecrate to me (Leviticus 22:2).

This is God’s command for Aaron and his family to be faithful with offerings brought to the tabernacle by the people of Israel. There was no denominational governing body to provide oversight, nor was there a Sinai Council for Financial Accountability.

When we bring our tithes and offerings and present them to God via the church, it’s good to know that those monies are not taken for granted, but appreciated and stewarded with respect as sacred. Congregations have many of the same bills as do families. They have to pay for water and for trash removal, a light bill and building maintenance costs. As corporations they also have to pay for salaries, insurance, and even unemployment.

Some of us are dreamers and visionaries, and some of us are nuts and bolts kind of people. That’s by God’s design. We can be thankful for those business minded men and women who watch over our facilities and finances to make sure we’ll be ministering and dreaming well into the years ahead.

Take comfort that God-ordained and equipped stewards are treating as sacred the gifts you bring to the church. It is a holy calling.


Did God make you a dreamer, or more of a nuts and bolts kind of person? …or maybe somewhere in the middle? What does that say for where you should be serving in your home church?

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