Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 93: 2 Samuel 16, 17 and 18

[Shimei] threw stones at David and his officers, but the people and soldiers gathered all around David. (2 Samuel 16:6)

As leaders, it’s a fact of life that people will throw stones at us. What a blessing to be surrounded by people who love us, and who are willing to put themselves between us and our detractors. It is not self-serving for a leader to teach those around him their responsibility in this matter. It is not dictatorial or cultish to engrain this kind of loyalty and sacrifice into the hearts and minds of followers. Leaders in training will be blessed by following the example of David’s soldiers. After all, one day someone will be throwing rocks at them.

There’s another lesson here. David doesn’t just dismiss out of hand Shimei’s curses. If he is cursing me because the Lord told him to, who can question him? (v. 10) David understood the necessity of spreading out before the Lord accusations made against him. David knew that, only after honest examination, if there was nothing there that would be the time to dismiss those curses. He was also humble and teachable. If there was a foundation of truth in Shimei’s curse, or if God was trying to speak to him, he was prepared to receive from the Lord his message of correction.

When’s the last time you expressed appreciation to people in your life who care enough about you to shield you? And those who care enough to lovingly confront you?

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