Whereas Hosea prophesied to Israel regarding its spiritual adultery, Amos (a guest from Judah) preaches about Israel's disregard for social justice. He was about as welcome as Billy Graham preaching a crusade in Tehran.
First he starts off with rants against... (the audience gets ready to be offended) ...Aram. Now let me tell you about... (they grit their teeth) ...Philistia. Let me tell you about Tyre (the mood is changing and people are starting to get on board). Let me tell you what I think about Edom and Ammon and Moab. By this time Amens are reverberating through the assembly. This guy can preach! And then the real crowd pleaser: Let me tell you what I really think about Judah! The crowd goes wild! Preach it, my southern brother from another mother!
If he'd left it there, people would be slapping him on the back, buying him drinks, and signing him up for the Israeli lecture circuit at 40K drachmas a speech.
But Amos couldn't let it go. And now let me say a word about Israel. He goes on to regale them with examples of their own oppression of the poor and the weak. He lets them know that the Egyptians and the Philistines could take lessons from them in how to kick people when they're down.
More tomorrow...
Do you treat people like you'd want to be treated?