Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 229: Isaiah 64, 65 and 66

We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:8)

Submitting to the hands of the potter is a matter of trust. The Bait of Satan author John Bevere writes: When you know God would never do anything to harm . . . you, and whatever He does or does not do in your life is in your best interest, then you will give yourself freely to Him. [1] Only then can we trust him to work out the best for us and in us.

The question is: Do we trust God? Do we believe he has our best interests at heart? If so, then we can give ourselves to our Potter, trusting that what he forms in us will be better than what we could come up with left to our own devices.

In the course of Isaiah's writings Jerusalem has been threatened by Assyria and delivered from that threat, but not delivered from destruction at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar a hundred years later. Exiled to Babylon, the people waited 70 years for their deliverance. Once that deliverance came and the population was restored to Jerusalem, Isaiah helped them move beyond the past as they looked once again to the future.

Let us be reminded one last time that Isaiah speaks to restoration beyond judgment. We can always trust God because not even failure... not even death is final.

What's God doing in your life this week?

[1] John Bevere. The Bait of Satan (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 1997), 105.

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