Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 254: Ezekiel 19, 20 and 21

Why is it you have despised the rod? (Ezekiel 21:13)
Ezekiel writes of a sword, sharpened and polished, designed to be wielded by the King of Babylon against the nation of Judah. There were those who refused to believe any lasting wrong could come to Jerusalem because of the Davidic promise: Your throne will be established forever (2 Samuel 7:16).
But those who were staking their claims on David's throne being established forever, had forgotten a preceding verse: When he does wrong, I will punish him with the rod of men (v. 14). God had warned David that when Israel got off track, foreign enemies would be the rod of his discipline designed to get its attention, explicitly so it would realize the error of its ways and make things right.
And now, with the nation literally crumbling around them, Ezekiel asks the people, Why didn't you pay attention to God's discipline and submit to his Lordship? Why have you despised the rod?
Has God ever used the rod of correction in your life? Did you learn your lesson?

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