Remember the account from yesterday? Judah was being attacked by the bigger and tougher army from Israel. Abijah, Judah's godly king, stood up against Israel because he knew he was in the right and that God was on his side. To make a long story short: Judah sent Israel packing.
Fast forward 35 years to the reign of Abijah's son Asa. Asa is usually remembered as a good king... at least as far as his early years go. In fact, Judah experienced a significant revival during that time called Asa's reform. Then Israel once again oppressed Judah, and Asa buckled. Instead of manning up and trusting God for victory, Asa put his trust in the king of Aram. In return for a large bribe, Ben-hadad came to the rescue, earning Asa a lifetime asterisk on his baseball card. By the way, Asa's error meant Judah was now one of Ben-hadad's vassal kingdoms.
The prophet Hanani got right in Asa's face and told him he was wrong. How did Asa respond? He pouted. For five years he pouted, his feet hurt, and then he died.
The next time you're faced with the choice of trusting God or selling out, consider Asa's aching feet.
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